Engineering Employment
This job has been posted for more than 30 working days and has expired.

Developer Advocate

Developer Advocate required to foster and build networks with developers, DevOps, engineering managers, account teams and more.

Teaching developers by making video tutorials, writing blog posts about new features and answering questions on Stack Overflow.

The ideal candidate will be a coder who likes talking to other developers, solving technical problems, learning, teaching and building demos or prototypes.

Experience required
Several years of experience in software development, writing and debugging a lot of code.
Java, Python, Node.js, JavaScript, .NET, Go, C and their related development toolchain.
Cloud technologies such as AWS, Azure, GCP and their services, Kubernetes, Cloud Foundry, OpenShift.
RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, Kafka, TIBCO, IBM MQ or other
Experience with distributed applications and microservices
Excellent public speaking, writing, blogging and content creation skills.
Ideally Bi or Tri Lingual with English, French and German.
Experience in developer relations and advocacy
JMS, MQTT, AMQP, STOMP, Websockets, rsocket or grpc or other messaging protocols or apis
AsyncAPI, OpenAPI or Swagger or API Management Tools
Java frameworks or runtimes such as Spring, Quarkus or Micronaut

What you will be doing
Working closely with community managers, engineering, marketing and product teams to create and enhance our developer focused content, participate in our developer community, and provide feedback to continuously improve our technology itself.

New and prospective customers and community members will depend on you to help them truly understand platform benefits.